On August 11, Apple will release iPhone next month 6s, iOS unveiled 9 may, we reported that the new system will add a number of features, such as families share and Apple Music. We already know that Apple also will join in the iOS 9 "Wi-Fi Assist" feature, this feature is how to use it? Against the Android Apple starts on artificial

User opens the feature, iPhone Wi-Fi signal strength can be read when the Wi-Fi signal strength is weak, the phone will automatically switch connected to the 3G or 4G; also Wi-Fi Assist "can also be automatically shielded signal poor Wi-Fi without requiring users to manually turn off the Wi-Fi settings. Developers say, will join in the iOS system 9 special software, the software can monitor the Wi-Fi connection speeds, so you can realize the automatic switching function.
Of course, this feature has its advantages and disadvantages, although "Wi-Fi Assist" feature simplifies the user's actions, but opening this feature, users are watching videos or browsing other Web pages, package flow would not survive a toss, so everyone is still using this feature, local friends you can ignore.
In addition, in the current public beta and the beta version of iOS in 9 h, problem still has not been effectively addressed, more optimization will have to wait for iOS 9 full version to be released later this year.
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